Inspectors helped residents at understaffed care home


Inspectors intervened to help residents at a Four Seasons care home because of a lack of available staff, a report has revealed.

Lammermuir House was rated ‘weak’ in the three areas of supporting wellbeing, staffing and setting following an inspection by the Care Inspectorate in December. The home was found to be ‘adequate’ in the areas of leadership and care and support planning.

The Care Inspectorate reported that not enough staff were available to meet people’s needs during its inspection, saying inspectors had to intervene to support a stressed resident, as well as unlocking the door several times for another resident and seeking assistance for one person who was not appropriately dressed.

Inspectors also reported malodours in parts of the home, adding relatives had become frustrated with a lack of progress on refurbishment plans.

A Four Seasons spokesperson said the report had highlighted residents and relatives praise for staff and the standard of care they delivered, as well as the activities and trips provided.

Four Seasons added its “regret” that some aspects of the home had fallen from their previous high rating and said it was addressing this as a priority.

The provider said a newly appointed manager, supported by a regional manager, was carrying out an improvement plan in close liaison with East Lothian Health and Social Care Partnership.

Four Seasons added it had recruited additional staff and reviewed the number and skills mix of people on shift and their deployment, as well as reviewing care plans and records to ensure they were comprehensive and current.

The provider has introduced additional training to support good care practice and has worked with its catering team to improve people’s meals and dining experience.

It added that it had deep cleaned rooms and tidied décor and would proceed with structural work refurbishment once planning consent had been gained.

The post Inspectors helped residents at understaffed care home appeared first on Care Home Professional.


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